

PSP项目 PSP24Y = AT 2024ynw = PNV J00430343+4118310 * Nova

Internal name PSP24Y
RA/DEC (2000) 00 43 03.43 +41 18 31.0
Discovery date (UT) 2024-10-20.53649
Discovery Mag 17.72CV
Host name M31
Host Redshift -0.001
Type Nova
Other name/s AT 2024ynw
PNV J00430343+4118310
References ATEL #16874 Discovery image taken around 2024 Oct. 20.53649 UT at N86 PanSTARRS-1 Image
Reporter/s Ziyang Mai, Hang Liu, Hongzhi Liang, Jianlin Xu, Mi Zhang, Leiming Tang, Yanxi Li, Xiaochang Yan, Wenjie Zhou, Jingyuan Zhao, Guoyou Sun, Jiangao Ruan, Xing Gao, on behalf of the PSP team
Remarks Nova candidate classified by XOSS. Details can be found at http://xjltp.china-vo.org/psp24y.html
Discovery report We report the discovery of a possible Nova at 17.72+-0.16CV on several 120-s survey images (limiting mag about 18.5CV) taken by Xing Gao in the course of the XOSS survey of Xingming Observatory. The transient approximately located at RA= 00h43m03.43s, DEC = +41d18m31.0s (equinox 2000.0). Which is about 215.5″ east and 142.5″ north of the center of the NGC224(M31).
PSP24Y C2024 10 18.74823 00 43 03.33 +41 18 29.6 >18.0CV N89
PSP24Y C2024 10 20.53649 00 43 03.43 +41 18 31.0 17.72+-0.16CV N86