

谭瀚杰 XM91HT = SN 2022eb * 超新星

Hanjie Tan (AUUK), Mi Zhang, Guoyou Sun, Jiangao Ruan, Jingyuan Zhao (Xingming Obs), Ye , Xing Gao (Xingming Obs), report the discovery of a possible supernova at 17.6 Gmag on several 60-s survey images (limit mag about 18.5) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory #3 (N88) around Jan. 06.98019 UTC using unfiltered CCD and PAT telescope (0.3-m f/3.6 reflector). The transient is approximately located at RA= 11h42m45.04s,DEC = +56d46m19.8s (equinox 2000.0). Which is about 7.5″ east and 9.7″ north of the center of the WISEA J114244.20+564610.7. Nothing is visible at this position on archival images. Discovery images can be found at: http://xjltp.china-vo.org/xm91ht.html

NET Gaia DR2
XM91HT C2022 01 06.98019 11 42 45.04 +56 46 19.8 17.6 G N88
XM91HT C2022 01 06.99094 11 42 45.03 +56 46 19.7 17.6 G N88
XM91HT C2022 01 08.86671 11 42 45.01 +56 46 19.6 18.3 V N88

Discovery image taken around Jan. 06.98019, 2022 UT at N88 Follow-up image taken around Jan. 08.86671, 2022 UT at N88 PS Image

