


Friends of Xingming Observatory are from all walks of life and reside throughout China. A few are now professional astronomers living overseas, though they have engaged with Xingming as young amateurs, but all of us have a love of stars in heart. In the follow you will find a brief introduction and a headshot of a few among us.

Note: traditionally, Chinese state their surnames first. Here we follow this convention unless otherwise specified.

Update to 2025.02.28

Gao Xing (高兴)

Xing is a native of Ürümqi in the northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in China. He is the founder and manager of Xingming Observatory, and is a pioneer in amateur-led astronomical surveys in China. He has an asteroid named after him, (204710) Gaoxing. He has discovered 114 supernovae, 67 extragalactic novae, 2 galactic novae, 4 comets, over 400 dwarf novae, over 400 other types of variable stars, hundreds of asteroids (provisional name), 18 asteroids (definite name), 4 NEOs, AGN, QSO, X-ray variable, Microlensing Events, and several independent discoveries. He is a three-time recipient of the Edgar Wilson Award given by the International Astronomical Union, and was awarded the 2017 Amateur Achievement Award by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific in recognition of his achievements.

Man-To Hui (许文韬; surname: Hui)

Man-To was originally from Guangzhou. He completed his PhD and postdoc at the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of Hawaii, and is currently an assistant professor at the Macau University of Science and Technology. (51166) Huimanto is named after him.Man-To has discovered several sungrazing comets in the SOHO archive and asteroids in the NEAT archive.

Tan Hanjie (谭翰杰)

Hanjie is originally from Guangzhou, and is a PhD student at Astronomical Institute of Charles University. He is a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project, and has discovered 28 supernovae, 3 extragalactic novae, over 300 dwarf novae, dozens of other types of variable stars, AGN, QSO, X-ray variable, Microlensing Events. He has discovered many more comets, asteroids, supernovae and planetary nebulae in data archives.


Sun Guoyou (孙国佑)

Guoyou is a native of Wenzhou, Zhejiang. He is the co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project. (546756) Sunguoyou is named after him. Guoyou is praised for the first discovery of the Milky Way nova V5582 Sagittarius in China. He is also one of the discoverers of the world-famous luminous red nova V1309 SCO. The object is considered the “Rosetta stone” linking the class of eruptive variables with mergers. He has discovered more than one thousand new objects, including comets(C/2015 F5 and P/2024 FG9), asteroids, near-Earth asteroids, exoplanets, supernovae, novae, luminous red novae, nova-like variables, dwarf novae, young stellar object, active galactic nuclei, brown dwarfs, strong gravitational lenses, multiple star systems, eclipsing binaries, pulsating variables, eruptive variables, rotating variables, X-ray variables, planetary nebulae, emission nebulae, reflection nebulae, open star clusters, binary stars, etc. He is the recipient of the 2015 Edgar Wilson Award.

Xu Zhijian (徐智坚)

Zhijian, a native of Nanjing, Jiangsu, is a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project. (546843) Xuzhijian is named after him. He has discovered 7 asteroids (definite name), 14 supernovae, 3 extragalactic novae, and dozens of other types of variable stars. He has also participated the Purple Mountain Observatory surveys and discovered 56 supernovae there. He has discovered hundreds of sungrazing comets in SOHO and STEREO archive.

Ruan Jiangao (阮建高)

Jiangao is a native of Fangchenggang, Guangxi, and is a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project. (546842) Ruanjiangao is named after him. He is the first Chinese amateur astronomer to discover extragalactic nova, and has discovered 2 asteroids (definite name), 47 supernovae, 25 novae, over 300 dwarf novae, dozens of other types of variable stars, AGN, QSO, Microlensing Events, some independent discoveries, and a few dozens sungrazing comets in SOHO and STEREO archive.

Zhang Mi (张宓)

Mi, a native of Shanghai, is a former director of Xingming Observatory Secretary Department, a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project. He has discovered 1 comet (P/2024 FG9), 4 NEOs, 71 supernovae, 49 novae, over 400 dwarf novae, over 400 variable stars of various types, exoplanets, AGN, QSO, X-ray variables, Microlensing Events, and several independent discoveries.

Sun Peiyuan (孙霈源)

Peiyuan is a native of Tai’an, Shandong. He is a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project, (546846) Sunpeiyuan is named after him, and has discovered 2 asteroids (definite name),3 supernovae, 1 extragalactic nova, and hundreds of sungrazing comets in SOHO archive.

Zhao Jingyuan (赵经远)

Jingyuan is a native of Zaoyang, Hubei, and is a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project. He also is the director of Xingming Observatory Secretary Department, who leads Xingming Observatory Secretary Department and is responsible for the liaison, publicity and astronomical science popularization of the observatory. He has discovered 49 supernovae, 22 novae, over 300 dwarf novae, over 400 variable stars of various types, exoplanets, AGN, QSO, X-ray variable, Microlensing Events, and several independent discoveries.

Zhou Wenjie (周文杰)

Wenjie is a native of Shanghai, and is a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project. He has discovered 1 comet (P/2024 FG9), 4 NEOs, 38 supernovae, 19 novae, over 300 dwarf novae, over 300 variable stars of various types, exoplanets, AGN, QSO, X-ray variable, Microlensing Events, and several independent discoveries. He has also discovered 106 sungrazing comets in SOHO archive.


Jianlin Xu (徐建林)

Xu is a native of Suzhou, and is a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project. He has discovered 39 supernovae, 23 nova, over 300 dwarf novae, over 100 variable stars of various types, AGN, QSO, Microlensing Events, and several independent discoveries.


Yanxi Li (李言蹊)

Li is a native of Pingdingshan, and is a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project. He has discovered 11 supernovae, 6 extragalactic nova, 11 dwarf novae, over 300 variable stars of various types, exoplanets, X-ray variable, and several independent discoveries.

Liao Xi (廖熙)

Xi, a native of Hefei, Anhui, is a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project.(616690) Liaoxi is named after him. He has discovered 1 comet (P/2024 FG9), 3 asteroid (definite name),  4 NEOs, 3 supernovae.

Leiming Tang (唐磊明)

Tang is a native of Hangzhou, and is a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project. He has discovered 4 NEOs, 15 supernovae, 14 extragalactic nova, 18 dwarf novae, over 200 variable stars of various types, AGN.

Shuming Wang (王书铭)

Wang is a native of Anyang, Henan. He is a member of the Variable Star Search Program (VSSP) at Xingming Observatory. Wang has discovered 4 dwarf novae, over 200 variable stars of various types.

Zesheng Yang (杨泽生)

Yang is a native of Liaoyang, Liaoning. He has discovered 1 comet (P/2024 FG9), 3 NEOs, 2 variable stars, and hundreds of sungrazing comets in SOHO archive.

Zhuoyang Chen (陈卓扬)

Chen is a native of Shanghai. He has discovered 3 NEOs, 18 supernovae, 1 nova, hundreds of dwarf novae, over 300 variable stars of various types, QSO, Microlensing Events.

Gao Wei (高伟)

Wei is a native of Nong’an, Jilin, and is a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project. (616688) Gaowei is named after him. He has discovered 1 asteroid (definite name), 7 supernovae, 2 extragalactic novae.

Jin Zhangwei (金彰伟)

Zhangwei is a native of Ningbo, Zhejiang. Zhangwei co-administrates the Popular Supernova Project with Guoyou and others. He has discovered 1 asteroids (definite name), 15 supernovae, 3 sungrazing comets in SOHO archive, and a few independent discoveries.

Li Ang (李昂)

Ang is a native of Shenyang.(698609) Angli is named after him. He is a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project and has discovered 1 asteroid (definite name), 3 supernovae.

Ji Cheng (计成)

Cheng is a native of Beijing, and is a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project. He has discovered 1 supernova and 1 extragalactic nova.

Wang Bin (王彬)

Bin currently resides in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. He is a co-administrator of the Popular Supernova Project and has discovered 3 supernovae, 2 novae, and a few variable stars.