

张宓 XM81MZ = AT 2022sot ? 变星

Internal name XM81MZ RA/DEC (2000) 00 42 10.43 +40 41 23.5
Discovery date (UT) 2022-08-29.73125 Discovery Mag 20.8CV
Host name M31 Host Redshift -0.001
Type Redshift
Other name/s AT 2022sot References
Reporter/s Mi Zhang, Xing Gao (Xingming Obs.)
Remarks VS candidate classified by XOSS. Details can be found at http://xjltp.china-vo.org/xm81mz.html
Discovery image taken around 2022 Aug. 29.73125 UT at N88 Pre-discovery image taken around 2022 Aug. 18.90113 UT at N88 PanSTARRS-1 image
Discovery report

We report the discovery of a possible VS at 20.8CV on several 300-s survey images (limiting mag about 21.5CV) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory “#”3 (N88) around Aug. 29.73125, 2022 UT using a unfiltered CCD (+ 0.6-m f/8 Ritchey-Chretien telescope). The source is approximately located at RA= 00h42m10.43s, DEC = +40d41m23.5s (equinox 2000.0), which has no corresponding object in Vizer, Simbad, VSX, etc.

XM81MZ KC2022 08 17.90101 00 42 10.44 +40 41 23.1 >21.0CV N88
XM81MZ KC2022 08 18.90113 00 42 10.43 +40 41 23.3 21.2CV N88
XM81MZ KC2022 08 19.75521 00 42 10.44 +40 41 23.1 >20.5CV N88
XM81MZ KC2022 08 23.80968 00 42 10.43 +40 41 23.2 20.9CV N88
XM81MZ KC2022 08 28.66066 00 42 10.44 +40 41 23.4 20.8CV N88
XM81MZ KC2022 08 29.73125 00 42 10.43 +40 41 23.5 20.8CV N88
XM81MZ KC2022 08 29.88080 00 42 10.44 +40 41 23.4 20.8CV N88