


ICQ Observation Format Explained


Bellow is the 80-column ICQ observation format that is used for storing and displaying observations at COBS website. This format was established by ICQ in 1995 to accomodate the new designation scheme for comets. Columns were added beyond column 80, beginning 2002 January 1, to add additional information for CCD photometry of comets.

The first 10 columns are for the comet’s identification.

The first three columns are blank for long-period comets. For one-apparition short-period comets, columns 1 and 2 are blank, and column 3 contains a capitalized “P”.

In both of these cases (long-period comets and one-apparition short-period comets), the year-and-halfmonth designation goes in columns 4-9 (columns 4-7 contain the year; column 8 contains the capitalized halfmonth letter; and column 9 contains the halfmonth numeral).

Column 11 contains a lower-case letter denoting nuclear components if such exist (even though such letters are usually given in text form as upper-case letters), and this column is so used for all such split comets; in the case of the rare numbered split comets (such as 73P) where more than 26 components were discovered (thus, the components went from “Z” to “AA”), the two letters should go in columns 10 and 11 (if we ever get to the situation where a comet with a year/letter designation spilling over into column 10 has more than 26 components, we will address the problem at that time).

Columns 1-3 are used for “numbered” short-period comets (those seen at two or more returns to perihelion); this number is to be given “flush right”.

All comet designations can be found

*Short-period comet code for numbered, multi-apparition periodic comets;
cols 1-3 left blank in case of long-period comets;
place a capitalized “P” in column 3 (with columns 1 and 2 blank) for 1-apparition short-period comets.

**Halfmonth designation (capitalized halfmonth letter in column 8; numeral in column 9;
split-nucleus capitalized letter in column 10); columns 10 and 11 may also be used for minor-planet-designated comets, where letters are given in columns 8 and 9, and 10 and 11 are reserved for digits (to 99, flush LEFT, meaning single digits go in column 10 with no leading zero) — for minor-planet-designated comets with post-letter digits exceeding 99, use column 10 for letters A, B, C, D, etc., to indicate 100, 110, 120, 130, etc., with column 11 holding the ones digit.
第10列和11列也被用作赋予过小行星编号的彗星,字母在第8列和第9列,数字在第10和11列(最大99,左对齐,这意味着各位编号前不需要填写0),对于编号大于99的,在第10列使用字母A, B, C, D等代指100,110,120,130等等,此时第11列仅填一位数字。

YYYY, MM, and DD.DD: are the year, month, and date (to 0.01 day) of the observation in UT. Leading zeroes should be be put in the month and date data.
YYYY, MM, and DD.DD: UT格式的观测年月日(精确到0.01天)。在月和日小于10时需要在前加0

e (column 26): is for extinction notes and other notes, using the ICQ abbreviations.
e (第26列): 消光备注和其他备注,需要使用ICQ指定的符号

M (column 27): is the magnitude method used for the magnitude estimate (e.g.: B = simple Out-Out or VBM (Van Biesbroeck-Bobrovnikoff-Meisel) method; ) A list of all possible magnitude method keys is found here.
M (第27列): 用于测量星等的方法代码(例如B是指simple Out-Out 或 VBM (Van Biesbroeck-Bobrovnikoff-Meisel)方法)。这里是所有可用的代码

mm.m: (columns 28-33, decimal point in column 31): is the total visual magnitude estimate (we do not want estimates of the nuclear condensation alone), given to 0.1 magnitude. Column 28 is the column for a left bracket ([), which represents the comet was not seen and was fainter than a given magnitude. If the magnitude estimate is not very accurate, or made under poor conditions, then a colon (:) is placed immediately after the magnitude (for example, 11.3:).
mm.m: (第28-33列, 小数点在第31列): 总亮度估计(我们不希望在这里填写彗核亮度),精确到0.1等,当彗星不可见且暗于给出星等时,在第28列填写一个“[”。在第29列填写星等。如果亮度估计不是很准确或者在较差的环境下进行的观测,在星等后应当加上一个冒号:(例如,11.3:)。

r (columns 34-35): is the reference or source of comparison stars used for making the magnitude estimate (if more than one source was used, the primary source only must be listed here); here we use a 2-letter code (or 1-letter code in column 34 only). A list of all possible reference catalogue keys is found here.
r (第34-35列): 用于估计彗星亮度的参考星亮度来源(如果有多于一个数据源则仅列举第一个)。我们使用一个长度为2个字母的代码(如果代码长度为一个字母,则只填第34列)。这里是所有可用的代码。

AAA.ATF/xxxx are the specifications concerning the instrument used for the observation. NOTE: If the magnitude estimate is made with one telescope and the tail-length estimate is made with a second telescope, two different lines must be entered!
AAA.ATF/xxxx 是关于用于观测的仪器的规格说明。注意:如果用一台望远镜进行亮度估计,而用另一台望远镜进行彗尾长度估计,则必须输入两条不同的数据!

AAA.A (columns 36-40): is the instrument apertur in centimeters, given to 0.1 cm. An important thing for the recorder to remember is only to use significant figures (example: if the observer reports his telescope aperture as 20 cm, the recorder should not put 20.0 cm, but 20 cm).
AAA.A (第36-40列): 是以厘米为单位的望远镜口径,精确到0.1厘米。注意:数据只需要保留到有效数字(例如:如果观察者报告他的望远镜口径为20厘米,记录时不应该写20.0厘米,而应该写20厘米)。

T (column 41): is the instrument type, as coded by the 1-letter key. A list of all possible instrument type keys is found here.
T (第41列): 1个字母长度的仪器类型代码。 这里是所有可用的代码。

F/ (columns 42-43): is the focal ratio (f/-ratio) of the instrument. The f/-ratio must be rounded (even) to the nearest integer; thus, f/4.5 becomes ” 4″ and f/3.5 also become ” 4″. There is no way to include a decimal part of an f/-ratio in this tabulation; decimals must be rounded.
F/ (第42-43行): 是仪器的焦比。焦比必须四舍五入(逢五偶舍奇入)到最接近的整数;因此,f/4.5变为”4″,f/3.5也变为”4″。在这个表格中,焦比中的小数必须四舍五入。

xxxx (columns 44-47): is the power (magnification) used in the case of visual observations or the combined duration of the CCD or photographic exposure in seconds. Both of these values should be entered FLUSH RIGHT (that is, ones digits go in the right-most column, tens digits in the second column from right, etc.); if a combined CCD exposure in which the duration is given in seconds, a lower-case letter “a” must be placed in column 44 if the exposure length is less than 1000 seconds; if the exposure duration is 1000 seconds (= 16m40s) or longer (but less than 2000 seconds = 33m20s), an upper-case “A” must be placed in column 44; an upper-case “B” in column 44 indicates an exposure time of 2000-2999 sec (note that the thousands digit is replaced by these letters A, B, C, etc.).
xxxx (第44-47列): 表示在目视观察时使用的放大倍数或使用CCD或照相的曝光时间(以秒为单位)。这两个值都应该右对齐输入(也就是说,个位数放在最右边的列,十位数放在右数第二列,依此类推);如果是总CCD曝光时间,那么当曝光时间小于1000秒时,第44列必须放置一个小写字母“a”;如果曝光时间为1000秒(= 16m40s)或更长(但小于2000秒 = 33m20s),则必须在第44列放置一个大写字母“A”;在第44列放置一个大写字母“B”表示曝光时间为2000-2999秒(注意,千位数由这些字母A、B、C等替代)。

&dd.dd (columns 49-54): is the observer’s estimate of the comet’s coma diameter in arc minutes at the time of observation. The less-than sign for column 49 indicates the column used for an ampersand (&), which indicates an approximate measurement, or a less-than or greater-than sign. The diameter may be given to 0.01 arcmin, but again only significant figures should be entered (example: when the comet was large, > 10′, measurements would probably never even be given to 0′.1, because it would be very difficult to get so exact an estimate when the coma is so large). Do NOT give the coma to 0.1 arcmin if the uncertainty is ± 1 arcmin! (In other words, if you estimate a coma diameter of 8′ ± 2′, do not give it as “8.0”! Only give it as “8.0” if the uncertainty is ± 0′.3 or better.) CCD photometrists should give here the APERTURE SIZE of the software applied to the comet’s coma to yield the tabulated magnitude, with a plus sign (+) in column 49; any larger measured coma diameter than that used for the magnitude should then be given in the descriptive information.
&dd.dd (第49-54列): 是观察者在观察时估计的彗发直径,单位为角分。列49的小于符号表示测量的精度较差。直径可以精确到0.01角分,但是再次强调,只应输入有效数字(例如:当彗发很大,例如> 10’,测量精度可能永远不会给到0′.1,因为当彗发这么大时,很难得到如此精确的估计)。如果不确定性是± 1角分,不要给到0.1角分的彗发精度!(换句话说,如果你估计彗发直径为8′ ± 2’,不要把它写成”8.0″!只有当不确定性是± 0′.3或更好时,才把它写成”8.0″)。CCD测光时应将测光使用的孔径大小作为彗发直径并在列49填写一个加号(+);然后,若彗发直径大于此处填写的彗发直径的测量值,应在描述信息中给出。

n (column 55): is for a special note describing the physical appearance of the central condensation, described in the July 1995 issue of the ICQ, page 92 (d = faint disk within the coma, D = bright disk within the coma, s = faint “stellar or nearly-stellar condensation, etc.).
n (第55列):是用于描述中心凝聚的物理外观的特殊注释,该注释在1995年7月的ICQ期刊第92页上有描述(d:彗发内的暗盘,D:彗发内的亮盘,s:微弱的”恒星或近似恒星凝聚物”等)。

DC (columns 56-57): is the degree of condensation of the comet a sestimated by the observer (on a scale of 0 to 9, where 0 is completely diffuse and 9 is completely stellar in appearance). The digit goes in column 56. If an observer estimates DC = 5-6, then a slash (/) goes in column 57 following a “5” (thus: 5/ ). A “5/” means EITHER 5.5 OR 5 to 6; there is no way to denote an approximate DC estimate in this tabulation.
DC (第56-57列): 是观察者估计的彗星的凝聚度(在0到9的范围内,其中0表示完全弥散,9表示几乎为星点状)。数字放在第56列。如果观察者估计DC = 5-6,那么在”5″后面的第57列填写一个斜线(/)(即:5/)。”5/”表示5.5或5到6;在这个表格中,没有办法表示大约的DC估计。

&t.ttm (columns 59-64): is the tail length in degrees (to 0.01 degree of arc), with the less-than sign in column 59 indicating the same as column 49 for the coma diameter (see above). Column 59 can be used for either a note or for a second digit if the tail length is 10 degrees or longer. For tail lengths in degrees, a decimal always goes in column 61 and the value can extend to column 63. For tail lengths in minutes or seconds of arc, the lower-case letter “m” or “s” (respectively) is placed in column 64 and the value is given to 0.1 with a decimal point in column 62 instead of 61. Do NOT give the tail to 0.1 unit if the uncertainty is ± 1 unit! (In other words, if you estimate a tail length of 30′ ± 3′, do not give it as “30.0”!).
&t.ttm (columns 59-64): 是彗尾长度,以度为单位(精确到0.01度),第59列中的小于号表示与第49列的彗发直径相同(见上文)。第59列可以用于注释,或者如果尾巴长度为10度或更长,则可以用于长度的十位。对于以度为单位的尾长,小数点总是在第61列,值可以扩展到第63列。对于以分钟或秒为单位的尾长,小写字母“m”或“s”(分别)放在第64列,值精确到0.1,小数点在第62列而不是第61列。如果不确定性是±1单位,不要将长度给到0.1单位精度!(换句话说,如果你估计尾长为30′ ± 3’,不要把它写成”30.0″!)。

ANG (columns 65-67): is the position angle at which the center of the tail is directed (0 = north, 90 = east, 180 = south, 270 = west, etc.). This number is entered flush right *in integer form only* (round even), so that if the p.a. is 56 degrees, a blank is entered in column 65 and “56” is entered in columns 66 and 67. There is no way to denote an approximate p.a. in this tabulation.
ANG (第65-67列): 表示尾部指向的位置角度(0 = 北,90 = 东,180 = 南,270 = 西)。这个数字只以整数形式输入,因此,如果位置角度是56度,那么在第65列输入一个空格,在第66和67列输入”56″。在这个表格中,不需要标识你的数据是估计的。

RRRRRR (columns 69-74): is the reference for publication (which gets changed upon publication). You should enter “ICQ XX” here.
RRRRRR (第69-74列):是参考出版物的代号(会随着出版物改变). 你应该在这里输入”ICQ XX” 。

* (column 75): is the column for a revised observation (use an asterisk here) if the observation replaces one given previously).
* (第75列): 若本观测替换了之前的观测,用星号*标识观测值经过修正。

OBSxx (columns 76-80): is a 3-letter, 2-digit code to indicate who the observer is. Columns 76-78 give the first 3 letters of the observers last name (family name), and the digits are simply added by ICQ staff in where there are more than one observer with the same first 3 letters in his last name. If you do not know the 2-digit appendage use a temporary code designated to you after you registered to COBS.
OBSxx (第76-80列): 是有3个字母和2个数字组成的用于识别观测者的编号,第76-78列是观测者姓氏的前三个字母。如果你不知道两位数的数字附加码,请使用你在注册COBS后分配给你的临时代码。

Beginning 2002 Jan. 1, the observation record was extended beyond column 80 for CCD observations only (see Oct. 2001 and Jan. 2002 ICQ). New ICQ format for tabulated data to include more CCD information, starting in column 81:

f (columns 81-82): if comparison stars are in the same frame as the comet, write “I” in column 81; if comparison stars are in the next field (one instrumental field size outside that of the comet), write “N” in column 81; otherwise, put a two-digit number in columns 81-82 (flush right) indicating the estimated distance of comparison-star field from the comet in whole degrees (with 99 indicating 99 deg or greater; 00 indicates less than 1 deg); write “MA” in columns 81-82 if multiple reference stars are used at multiple air masses around the sky.
f (第81-82列):如果比较星位于与彗星相同的帧中,在第81列写入”I”;如果比较星和彗星不在同一视场,在第81列写入”N”;或者在第81-82列(右对齐)使用一个两位数以表示比较星场与彗星的估计距离,以整度为单位(99表示99度或更大;00表示小于1度);如果使用了多个参考星,则在第81-82列写入”MA”。

InT (columns 83-86): integration time of comparison-star field when the field is outside that of (or different from) the comet exposure (given in seconds, flush right); use identical column format to that used for CCD exposure of comet field in columns 44-47; if multiple fields are used with different exposure times, write down that exposure time that was the longest used for the photometric reduction.
InT (第83-86列): 当比较星场在彗星曝光区域之外(或不同于彗星曝光区域)时的积分时间(以秒为单位,右对齐);使用与列44-47中用于彗星场CCD曝光的相同列格式;如果使用了具有不同曝光时间的多个场,记下用于解算的最长曝光时间。

APERTUR (columns 87-93): columns 88-92 hold numerical dimension of photometric-aperture size, with decimal in column 90; column 93 has letter to denote units (d = degrees, m = arcmin, s = arcsec); column 87 gives the shape of the photometric aperture (S = square, C = circular, O = oval). NOTE that this means that only actual, measured coma diameters will appear in columns 50-54 — and that the plus-sign (+), which indicated an aperture size for electronic photometry, will no longer be used in column 49.
APERTUR (第87-93列): 第88-92列保留了测光孔径尺寸的数值维度,小数点在第90列;第93列用一个字母表示单位(d:度,m:角分,s:角秒);第87列给出了测光孔径的形状(S:方形,C:圆形,O:椭圆形)。注意,这意味着只有实际测量的彗星直径才会出现在第50-54列——并且,表示电子光度测量的孔径大小的加号,不再在第49列中使用。

Camchip (columns 94-100): three-character key to specify CCD camera in columns 94-96 (e.g., MCV = Mutoh CV-16II camera). A list of all possible CCD camera type keys is found here.; then three-character key to specify camera’s CCD chip in columns 98-100 (e.g., T25 = TC255). A list of all possible CCD chip type keys is found here. Column 97 contains “a” to denote an anti-bloomin
Camchip (第94-100列): 先是用于指定CCD相机型号的三个字母长度的代码(例如,MCV = Mutoh CV-16II相机)。所有可能的CCD相机代码的列表可以在这里找到。然后是用于指定CCD芯片的三个字母长度的代码(例如,T25 = TC255)。所有可能的CCD芯片的代码的列表可以在这里找到。如果第97列包含”a”则表示防止过度曝光的CCD。

SFW (columns 102-104): 3-character key to denote the software package used to derive the magnitudes (e.g., G70 = Guide 7.0; FPr = FitsPro). This is different from the source of comparison-star magnitudes. A list of all possible photometry software keys is found here.
SFW (第102-104列): 用于指定测光软件的三个字母长度的代码(例如,G70:Guide 7.0,FPr:FitsPro)。这与比较星的星等来源不同。所有可能的软件代码的列表可以在这里找到

column 106, C:
0 = no correction
1 = correction for bias (bias subtracted)
2 = flat-field corrected (flat-fielded)
3 = 1 + 2
4 = dark-subtracted (and bias-subtracted)
5 = 2 + 4

## (columns 108-109): number of CCD frames taken of comet on same night, for verification of proper identification (flush right); if accurate astrometry was performed and submitted formally to the ICQ/MPC/CBAT for publication, place a “P” for published in column 108 or a “U” in column 108 for either “unpublished” or “publication status unknown” (and, if more than 9 images were obtained on a single night of this comet and astrometry was also reported, simply put a “9” in column 109 in addition to the letter in column 108).
## (第108-109列):在同一夜拍摄用于确认识别彗星的帧数(右对齐);如果进行了准确的天体测量并正式提交给ICQ/MPC/CBAT进行发布,那么需要在第108列填写一个”P”表示已发布,或者在第108列放置一个”U”表示”未发布”或”发布状态未知”(并且,如果单夜获得了超过9张该彗星图像,并且也上报之后,那么只需在第109列中添加一个”9″,并在第108列中添加字母)。

If a number of co-added frames were used for the photometry, then this number should be given in columns 108-109, and place an asterisk (*) in column 110 to denote this fact.

u.uu (columns 111-114): estimated error/uncertainty in magnitude (decimal point in column 112).
u.uu (第111-114列): 估计的星等不确定度(小数点在112列)

xx.x (columns 116-119): magnitude of the comparison star closest in brightness to that of the comet.
xx.x (第116-119列): 最近的参考星的亮度。

PIXELSIZE (columns 121-129): assumed rectangular shape, with one pixel side given numerically in columns 121-124 (decimal point in column 123) and the other (perpendicular) side given numerically in columns 126-129 (decimal point in column 128); column 125 contains the letter that denotes the units (d = degrees, m = arcmin, s = arcsec).
PIXELSIZE (第121-129列): 假设为像素为矩形,其中一个像素边在第121-124列中以数字形式给出(小数点在第123列),另一边(垂直边)在第126-129列中以数字形式给出(小数点在第128列);第125列包含表示单位的字母(d:度,m:角分,s:角秒)。

Additional information about the observation can be provided in the comment part following after column 130. The comment part should be structured into parameters.

Here an example of a formatted comment:

A list of possible parameters:

Location: Location of observation
Location: 观测地址

SQMethod: One of the following methods is expected NELM, SQM, SQM-L
SQMethod: 测量天光亮度的方法,应当填写NELM, SQM, SQM-L之一

SQValue: numerical value
SQValue: 天光亮度数值

RefStars: Names of the reference stars used
RefStars: 使用的参考星的名字

Comment: Any additional information
Comment: 其他需要补充的信息和说明