

PSP项目 PSP21V = AT 2021abqo = VSSP J214622.93+460455.8 * 变星 EA

Fei Du, Mi Zhang, Xing Gao (Xingming Obs), report the discovery of a variable star candidate (16.84 G). The source appears to correspond  to object Gaia DR2 1974554284555528576 (16.35 G) in the Gaia DR2. Discovery was made on one 30-s survey image (limiting mag about 19.0)  taken by Xing Gao around 2021 Oct 13.66613 UT at Xingming Observatory #2 (N89) using a unfiltered CCD (0.5-m f/4 reflector). Images can be  found at: http://xjltp.china-vo.org/psp21v.html

NET Gaia DR2
PSP21V C2021 10 13.66613 21 46 22.96 +46 04 56.1 16.84G N89

Discovery image taken around 2021 Oct. 13.66613 UT at N89 PS Image

Jingyuan Zhao, Wenjie Zhou reanalyzed this target by using ASAS-SN V, ASAS-SN g, SuperWASP V and TESS data and reported it to VSX with primary name VSSP J083307.00+222129.5 and possible variability type EA. Details can be found at https://www.aavso.org/vsx/index.php?view=detail.top&oid=2227143
