

PSP项目 PSP22S=VSSP J131338.45+505359.2 * 变星 UV

Lanhe Ding, Jingyuan Zhao, Wenjie Zhou, Jianlin Xu, Jiangao Ruan, Mi Zhang, Guoyou Sun, Xing Gao (Xingming Obs), report an UV candidate (15.43 CV) on several 30-s survey images (limit mag about 19.0) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory “#”2 (N89) around Apr. 04.88679, 2022 UT using unfiltered CCD and HMT telescope (0.5m f/4 reflector). The source appears to correspond to object Gaia EDR3 1556864591841440896 (G=15.78) in the Gaia EDR3. Details can be found at: http://xjltp.china-vo.org/psp22s.html

PSP22S C2022 03 25.92787 13 13 38.40 +50 53 58.9 16.87CV N89
PSP22S C2022 03 31.71656 13 13 38.42 +50 53 59.8 16.84CV N89
PSP22S C2022 04 01.91377 13 13 38.42 +50 53 58.6 16.97CV N89
PSP22S C2022 04 04.88679 13 13 38.45 +50 53 59.8 15.43CV N89
PSP22S C2022 04 05.88525 13 13 38.23 +50 53 59.6 16.95CV N89

Discovery image taken by N89 around 2022 Apr. 04.88679 UT PS image