

PSP项目 PSP23G = SN 2023erk * SN Ia

Internal name PSP23G    
RA/DEC (2000) 07 38 19.72 +42 06 13.9
Discovery date (UT) 2023-04-08.65850
Discovery Mag 19.2CV
Host name 2MASX J07382003+4206051
Host Redshift 0.066
Type SN Ia
Redshift 0.066
Other name/s SN 2023erk
References Discovery image taken around 2023 Apr. 08.65850 UT at N89 PanSTARRS-1 Image
Reporter/s Xiaochang Yan, Mi Zhang, Jianlin Xu, Leiming Tang, Wenjie Zhou, Jingyuan Zhao, Guoyou Sun, Jiangao Ruan, Xing Gao, on behalf of the PSP team
Remarks SN candidate classified by XOSS. Details can be found at http://xjltp.china-vo.org/psp23g.html
Discovery report We report the discovery of a possible SN at 19.2CV on several 40-s survey images (limiting mag about 19.5CV) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory “#”2 (N89) around 2023 Apr. 08.65850 UT using a unfiltered CCD (+0.5m f/4 reflector). The transient approximately located at RA= 07h38m19.72s, DEC = +42d06m13.6s (equinox 2000.0).
PSP23G C2023 04 08.65850 07 38 19.72 +42 06 13.9 19.2CV N89
PSP23G C2023 04 08.70332 07 38 19.74 +42 06 13.8 19.2CV N88
PSP23G C2023 04 08.70487 07 38 19.71 +42 06 13.8 19.2CV N88
PSP23G C2023 04 09.17364 07 38 19.68 +42 06 13.4 18.9CV 851
PSP23G C2023 04 10.19416 07 38 19.71 +42 06 13.6 18.7 V 851
PSP23G C2023 04 10.71361 07 38 19.69 +42 06 13.6 18.8CV N88
PSP23G C2023 04 10.71749 07 38 19.69 +42 06 13.5 18.7 g’ N88
PSP23G C2023 04 10.72119 07 38 19.68 +42 06 13.6 18.8 r’ N88
PSP23G C2023 04 10.72485 07 38 19.68 +42 06 13.4 18.9 i’ N88
PSP23G KC2023 04 11.11788 07 38 19.73 +42 06 13.4 18.6 V 851
PSP23G C2023 04 15.12462 07 38 19.73 +42 06 11.8 17.9 V 851
PSP23G KC2023 04 19.07690 07 38 19.70 +42 06 12.8 17.9 V 851
PSP23G KC2023 04 22.12317 07 38 19.69 +42 06 13.3 18.1 V 851