

PSP项目 PSP24G = TCP J02162043+2150582 * UV

Internal name PSP24G
RA/DEC (2000) 02 16 20.43 +21 50 58.2
Discovery date (UT) 2024-01-26.64712
Discovery Mag 16.81CV
Host name Ari
Host Redshift  
Type UV
Other name/s TCP J02162043+2150582
References VSX Discovery image taken around 2024 Jan. 26.64712 UT at N89 PanSTARRS-1 Image
Reporter/s Hualin Li, Xiaochang Yan, Mi Zhang, Jianlin Xu, Leiming Tang, Yanxi Li, Lanhe Ding, Wenjie Zhou, Jingyuan Zhao, Guoyou Sun, Jiangao Ruan, Xing Gao and the PSP team
Remarks UV candidate classified by XOSS. Details can be found at http://xjltp.china-vo.org/psp24g.html
Discovery report We report the discovery of a possible UV at 16.81+-0.15CV on several 30-s survey images (limiting mag about 18.5CV) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory “#”2 (N89) around 2024 Jan. 26.64712 UT using a unfiltered CCD (+0.5m f/4 reflector). The transient approximately located at RA= 02h16m20.43s, DEC = +21d50m58.2s (equinox 2000.0).
PSP24G C2024 01 24.64020 02 16 20.42 +21 50 58.3 >18.5CV N89
PSP24G C2024 01 25.62134 02 16 20.40 +21 50 58.5 >18.5CV N89
PSP24G C2024 01 26.64712 02 16 20.43 +21 50 58.2 16.81+-0.15CV N89
PSP24G C2024 01 27.66044 02 16 20.41 +21 50 58.4 >18.5CV N89
PSP24G C2024 01 27.66198 02 16 20.40 +21 50 58.0 >18.5CV N89