

PSP项目 PSP25G = AT 2025etj = PNV J00411965+4138256 ? Nova

Internal name PSP25G
RA/DEC (2000) 00 41 19.65 +41 38 25.6
Discovery date (UT) 2025-03-17.58719
Discovery Mag 17.51CV
Host name M31
Host Redshift -0.001
Other name/s AT 2025etj
PNV J00411965+4138256
References   Discovery image taken around 2025 Mar. 17.58719 UT at N89 PanSTARRS-1 Image
Reporter/s Xiangtao Zhang, Jianlin Xu, Mi Zhang, Leiming Tang, Yanxi Li, Wenjie Zhou, Jingyuan Zhao, Guoyou Sun, Jiangao Ruan, Xing Gao, on behalf of the PSP team
Remarks Nova candidate classified by XOSS. Details can be found at http://xjltp.china-vo.org/psp25g.html
Discovery report We report the discovery of a possible Nova at 17.51+-0.17CV on several 30-s survey images (limiting mag about 18.0CV) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory “#”2 (N89) around 2025 Mar. 17.58719 UT using a unfiltered CCD (+0.5m f/4 reflector). The transient approximately located at RA= 00h41m19.65s, DEC = +41d38m25.6s (equinox 2000.0). Which is about 954.6″ west and 1337.1″ north of the center of the NGC224(M31).
PSP25G C2025 03 13.59120 00 41 19.63 +41 38 25.8 >18.0CV N89
PSP25G C2025 03 15.59289 00 41 19.61 +41 38 25.9 >18.0CV N89
PSP25G C2025 03 17.58719 00 41 19.65 +41 38 25.6 17.51+-0.17CV N89
PSP25G C2025 03 18.58113 00 41 19.62 +41 38 25.7 17.43+-0.21CV N89
PSP25G C2025 03 18.60266 00 41 19.65 +41 38 25.4 17.41+-0.18CV N86