

张宓 XM121MZ = AT 2023vji = TCP J21071728+4656116 * UG:

Internal name XM121MZ
RA/DEC (2000) 21 07 17.28 +46 56 11.6
Discovery date (UT) 2023-10-19.63863
Discovery Mag 17.46CV
Host name Cyg
Host Redshift  
Type UG:
Other name/s AT 2023vji
TCP J21071728+4656116
References VSX Discovery image taken around 2023 Oct. 19.63863 UT at N89 PanSTARRS-1 Image
Reporter/s Mi Zhang, Xing Gao (Xingming Obs.)
Remarks UG candidate classified by XOSS. Details can be found at http://xjltp.china-vo.org/xm121mz.html
Discovery report We report the discovery of a possible UG at 17.46+-0.11CV on several 120s co-added survey images (limiting mag about 19.5CV) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory “#”2 (N89) around 2023 Oct. 19.63863 UT using a unfiltered CCD (+0.5m f/4 reflector). The transient approximately located at RA= 21h07m17.28s, DEC = +46d56m11.6s (equinox 2000.0).
XM121MZ C2023 10 19.63863 21 07 17.28 +46 56 11.6 17.46+-0.11CV N89