

张宓 XM133MZ = AT 2024rxl ? AGN

Internal name XM133MZ
RA/DEC (2000) 22 50 41.27 +01 20 57.9
Discovery date (UT) 2024-08-09.87624
Discovery Mag 20.49CV
Host name Aqr
Host Redshift
Other name/s AT 2024rxl
References Discovery image taken around 2024 Aug. 09.87624 UT at N86 PanSTARRS-1 Image
Reporter/s Mi Zhang, Guoyou Sun, Wenjie Zhou, Xing Gao (Xingming Obs.)
Remarks AGN candidate classified by XOSS. Details can be found at http://xjltp.china-vo.org/xm133mz.html
Discovery report We report the discovery of a possible AGN (20.49+-0.20CV). Discovery was made on several 60-s survey images (limiting mag about 21.5) taken by Xing Gao around 2024 Aug. 09.87624 UT in the course of the XOSS survey of Xingming Observatory.
XM133MZ C2024 08 09.87624 22 50 41.27 +01 20 57.9 20.49+-0.20CV N86