

张宓 XM77MZ = AT 2022puk = PNV J00425697+4116333? M31河外新星

Internal name XM77MZ RA/DEC (2000) 00 42 56.97 +41 16 33.3
Discovery date (UT) 2022-07-26.86003 Discovery Mag 18.4CV
Host name M31 Host Redshift -0.001
Type Redshift
Other name/s AT 2022puk
PNV J00425697+4116333
References ATEL #15529
ATEL #15532
ATEL #15537
Reporter/s Mi Zhang, Xing Gao (Xingming Obs.)
Remarks Nova candidate classified by XOSS. Details can be found at http://xjltp.china-vo.org/xm77mz.html
Discovery image taken around 2022 Jul. 26.86003 UT at N88 Follow-up image taken around 2022 Jul. 27.82319 UT at N88 PanSTARRS-1 Image
Discovery report

We report the discovery of a possible nova at 18.4CV on several 300-s survey images (limiting mag about 19.5CV) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory “#”3 (N88) around Jul. 26.86003, 2022 UT using a unfiltered CCD (+ 0.6-m f/8 Ritchey-Chretien telescope). The transient approximately located at RA= 00h42m56.98s, DEC = +41d16m33.0s (equinox 2000.0). Which is about 142.7″ east and 24.5″ north of the center of the NGC224 (M31). Nothing is visible at this position on archival images taken on Jul. 25.86782, 2022 UT (limiting mag about 19.5CV).

*Affected by the luminosity of M31 core, the data with large error has been remeasured. And the report has been modified.

XM77MZ C2022 07 26.85633 00 42 56.96 +41 16 33.1 18.6CV N88
XM77MZ C2022 07 26.86003 00 42 56.98 +41 16 33.0 18.4CV N88
XM77MZ C2022 07 27.82319 00 42 56.97 +41 16 32.7 17.8CV N88
XM77MZ C2022 07 27.82691 00 42 56.99 +41 16 32.7 17.7CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 07 28.79351 00 42 56.97 +41 16 32.7 17.7CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 08 02.68666 00 42 56.95 +41 16 32.7 18.3CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 08 03.83514 00 42 56.96 +41 16 32.4 17.9CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 08 04.73504 00 42 56.98 +41 16 33.1 18.2CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 08 07.76448 00 42 56.97 +41 16 32.8 18.0CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 08 13.87955 00 42 56.98 +41 16 32.6 18.4CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 08 14.80410 00 42 56.99 +41 16 32.7 18.4CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 08 17.65762 00 42 56.98 +41 16 32.7 18.5CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 08 18.67413 00 42 56.93 +41 16 33.1 18.6CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 08 19.63605 00 42 56.95 +41 16 33.2 18.8CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 08 23.80207 00 42 56.98 +41 16 32.5 18.3CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 08 28.65304 00 42 56.93 +41 16 32.9 19.0CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 08 29.72371 00 42 56.98 +41 16 32.8 18.4CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 08 29.87321 00 42 56.99 +41 16 32.9 18.3CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 08 31.75791 00 42 56.95 +41 16 32.7 18.6CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 09 20.75457 00 42 56.97 +41 16 32.7 19.4CV N88
XM77MZ KC2022 09 20.92080 00 42 56.98 +41 16 32.7 19.3CV N88