

张宓(PSP项目) XM88MZ = PSP22ah = AT 2022zyr = PNV J00424719+4116196 * M31河外新星

Internal name XM88MZ (= PSP22ah)    
RA/DEC (2000) 00 42 47.19 +41 16 19.6
Discovery date (UT) 2022-11-12.52583
Discovery Mag 16.8CV
Host name M31
Host Redshift -0.001
Type Nova
Other name/s AT 2022zyr
PNV J00424719+4116196
References ATEL #15759
ATEL #15760
ATEL #15779
Discovery image taken around 2022 Nov. 12.52583 UT at N88 PanSTARRS-1 Image
Reporter/s Mi Zhang, Qingchen Wang, Linbo Zhu, Yuqing Ren, Chunpeng Bi, Lanhe Ding, Leiming Tang, Jianlin Xu, Wenjie Zhou, Jingyuan Zhao, Jiangao Ruan, Guoyou Sun, Xing Gao, on behalf of the PSP team
Remarks Nova candidate classified by XOSS, possible RN M31N 1984-07a. Details can be found at http://xjltp.china-vo.org/xm88mz.html
Discovery report We report the discovery of a possible nova at 16.8CV on several 300-s survey images (limiting mag about 20.5CV) taken by Xing Gao at Xingming Observatory “#”3 (N88) around 2022 Nov. 12.52583 UT using a unfiltered CCD (+ 0.6-m f/8 Ritchey-Chretien telescope). The transient approximately located at RA= 00h42m47.19s, DEC = +41d16m19.6s (equinox 2000.0). Which is about 32.4″ east and 11.1″ north of the center of the NGC224 (M31). Possible the RN M31N 1984-07a (= M31N 2004-11f) (= M31N 2012-09a).
XM88MZ C2022 11 12.52583 00 42 47.19 +41 16 19.6 16.8CV N88
XM88MZ C2022 11 12.52947 00 42 47.19 +41 16 19.7 16.8CV N88
XM88MZ C2022 11 12.54859 00 42 47.19 +41 16 19.6 16.8CV N88
XM88MZ C2022 11 12.55221 00 42 47.18 +41 16 19.7 16.8CV N88
XM88MZ C2022 11 12.94411 00 42 47.20 +41 16 19.8 16.7CV N88
XM88MZ C2022 11 12.94772 00 42 47.17 +41 16 20.0 16.7CV N88
XM88MZ C2022 11 13.52493 00 42 47.21 +41 16 19.6 16.9CV N88
XM88MZ C2022 11 13.52855 00 42 47.21 +41 16 19.6 16.9CV N88
XM88MZ C2022 11 13.76632 00 42 47.23 +41 16 19.7 17.1CV N88
XM88MZ C2022 11 13.76995 00 42 47.22 +41 16 19.6 17.1CV N88
XM87MZ C2022 11 14.51484 00 42 47.21 +41 16 19.6 17.3CV N88
XM87MZ C2022 11 14.51848 00 42 47.20 +41 16 19.6 17.3CV N88