Zhangrui Xu, Wenjie Zhou, Mi Zhang, Jiangao Ruan, Jingyuan Zhao, Jianlin Xu, Yanxi Li, Yi Ding, Guoyou Sun, Xing Gao (Xingming Observatory), report the discovery of a variable star candidate (15.44 G). The source appears to correspond to object Gaia DR2 1889669135024422656 (16.64 G) in the Gaia DR2. Discovery was made on one 30-s survey image (limiting mag about 19.0) taken by Xing Gao around 2021 Nov 11.63196 UT at Xingming Observatory #2 (N89) using a unfiltered CCD (0.5-m f/4 reflector). Images can be found at: http://xjltp.china-vo.org/psp21af.html
PSP21af C2021 09 14.81288 22 48 34.62 +31 40 24.3 17.5 V N89
PSP21af C2021 11 09.67513 22 48 34.65 +31 40 24.1 17.3 V N89
PSP21af C2021 11 11.63196 22 48 34.57 +31 40 23.8 15.2 V N89
PSP21af C2021 11 11.76453 22 48 34.58 +31 40 23.8 16.2 V N88
NET Gaia DR2
PSP21af C2021 09 14.81288 22 48 34.57 +31 40 23.6 17.37G N89
PSP21af C2021 10 29.71074 22 48 34.59 +31 40 23.7 17.20G N89
PSP21af C2021 11 09.67513 22 48 34.58 +31 40 23.7 17.22G N89
PSP21af C2021 11 11.63196 22 48 34.58 +31 40 23.8 15.44G N89
PSP21af C2021 11 11.76453 22 48 34.58 +31 40 23.7 16.56G N88
PSP21af C2021 11 11.76579 22 48 34.57 +31 40 23.7 16.58G N88
PSP21af C2021 11 12.63547 22 48 34.59 +31 40 23.7 16.68G N88
PSP21af C2021 11 12.63678 22 48 34.58 +31 40 23.7 16.68G N88
Discovery image taken by N89 around 2021 Nov. 11.63196 UT | Follow-up image taken by N88 around 2021 Nov. 11.76579 UT | PS image |